Monday, April 18, 2011


There are Two Events Next Week ALL York County Citizens are Encouraged to Attend!
Your Voice Needs to be Heard!

Tuesday Evening, April 19th, 7:00pm, York Hall

Board of Supervisors Meeting to Approve a York County Redistricting Plan
York Hall in Yorktown

The two current plans on the table are referred to as B2 and E2.  The Core Team of the Tuscany Forum recommends Plan B2 for adoption.  
Visit site link to get more details.

Thursday Evening, April 21st, 7:00pm, Tuscany Coffee House

The Tuscany Forum welcomes invited guests Delegate Brenda Pogge, Delegate Gordon Helsel, and Supervisor George Hrichak
State and County Redistricting issues will be on the agenda.

All are encouraged to attend these very important meetings
Tuesday and Thursday evening, April 19th and 21st, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Also mark your calendar for Thursday evening, May 19th, when
The Forum will host debates among candidates running for the York County Board of Supervisors in November

The Tuscany Forum provides York County Citizens a public Forum where they can:

Voice their concerns about the responsiveness and direction of their county, state and federal governments,
Conduct civil, direct, in-person dialogue with their elected officials and government staff,  
Develop and encourage positive political plans of action to accomplish the will of the people.

To add someone to the Tuscany Forum email distribution, please send their name and email address to

The Tuscany Forum Core Group:
Bart Barton, Danny Diggs, Greg Garrett, Mike Hoyes, Linda Hutchinson, Winston Lawrence, Mary Leedom, Thomas Nelsen, David Phillips, Stephen Roane, Maywood Wilson

Times & Location:
Unless otherwise stated, monthly meetings of The Tuscany Forum are held the third Thursday of each month at Tuscany's Coffee House, 6605 George Washington Memorial Highway (Route 17) Yorktown, 23692.  Doors open at 6:00pm, food and drink available, Forum begins at 7:00pm.

See you at York Hall April 19th and Tuscany Coffee House on April 21st, both 7:00pm!!

Alexander of York

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fwd: York County Redistricting

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Tuscany Forum <>
Date: Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 9:25 PM
Subject: York County Redistricting
To: The Tuscany Forum <>

Update message to York County citizens:

The York County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on April 19 for the purpose of receiving additional comments from the public prior to deciding which redistricting plan to adopt.

This year the Board of Supervisors will need to redraw the County's election district boundaries. Based on the principle of "one person, one vote," federal and Virginia law requires election districts to be drawn every ten years, following the U.S. Census, to provide for districts that are relatively equal in population. The geographic distribution of population growth in the County since 2000 has been uneven; therefore, district boundaries will have to be adjusted.

At its March 15 meeting, the Board of Supervisors selected two alternative redistricting plans for public review and comment. These alternatives can be viewed by clicking on the link below. All public comments will be forwarded to the Board.   

View alternatives and make comments on line at

All are encouraged to come and be prepared to speak about one of the choices - B2 or E2.  You can view them at York Hall or on line.
Only a few citizens came to the last meeting to view the proposals prior to the meeting – we now have a choice, come and be heard!

Additionally, the Board of Supervisors regular meeting will be held on April 5th 6:00 PM, East Room, York Hall.  
Agenda:  Proposed adoption of Fiscal Year 2012 Budget, 2011 Tax Rates, and 2012-2017 Capital Improvements Program

Alexander of York