YORK COUNTY VIRGINIA Meetings generally held 3rd Thursday of each month at Tuscany’s Coffee House, 6605 George Washington Mem. Hwy, Yorktown, 23692. Doors open at 6 pm, forum begins at 7.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Fwd: Last Evenings Tuscany Forum
Date: Jul 23, 2010 10:41 AM
Subject: Last Evenings Tuscany Forum
Our guest, Delegate Brenda Pogge, presented a spirited and informative update on state and federal successes, but with many remaining challenges. Delegate Pogge considers herself, a representative of the people, not a politician. She further indicated her representation of the people is framed by her values as a Christian, a Conservative, and upon the U.S. Constitution. Thanks Delegate Pogge!
A invitation was given by Mr. Wade McRoberts, the York County Republican Committee (YCRC) Chair, to any citizen who is not a member of the YCRC to join. The next Committee meeting is Thursday, September 2nd, 7:00pm, at York Hall in historic Yorktown. Mr. McRoberts can be contacted via email at "mcroberts.ycrc@verizon.net".
The August Forum date is not yet certain, as we are working with the schedule of our guest speaker, Representative Rob Wittman. The date and agenda will be forwarded when these details are known.
The Tuscany Forum Core Team
Alexander of York
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Fwd: VA-ALERT: Victory in York County!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Philip Van Cleave <philip@virginiasystems.com>
Date: Jul 21, 2010 12:34 PM
Subject: VA-ALERT: Victory in York County!
VCDL's meeting schedule: http://www.vcdl.org/meetings.html
Abbreviations used in VA-ALERT: http://www.vcdl.org/help/abbr.html
Last night the York County Board of Supervisors voted to repeal their discharge bans and let state law rule!
The only fly in the ointment was that they did decide to keep a ban on discharging rifles that are greater than .22 caliber.
The York County Sheriff, Danny Diggs, did a fantastic job in standing up for gun owners in front of the Board of Supervisors and deserves the lion's share of credit for this victory.
Around 30 gun owners showed up and around 4 antis. Significantly, no one from a Home Owners Association was there.
The vote was broken into two parts: repealing the ban on discharge of rifles that are greater than .22 caliber and repealing all other discharge bans, including discharging a gun in and around a subdivision (state law would prevail and there would be no issue if such discharge was done safely).
Here is my impression of the Board members in this matter:
Walter Zaremba - voted wrong both times and fell flat when he tried to use logic to lay down the groundwork for his anti-gun vote
Sheila Noll - knew she couldn't stop the .22 caliber rifle restriction from being lifted if it was voted on in conjunction with lifting the other restrictions, so she pushed for the TWO votes . As gun owners talked, she bobbed her head up and down like she understood what they were saying, but at the end of the day she voted wrong on both items. I am now thinking she was just working a kink out in her neck
Donald Wiggins (chairman) - voted correctly on both items. Some of his comments originally made me uncomfortable as to how he was going to vote, but he came through in the end. He also voted to NOT have a separate vote on the .22 caliber rifle limitation
George Hrichak - the quietest one on the Board, but the one who really understands freedom. He pushed to not have a separate vote on the .22 caliber rifle limitation, too
Thomas Sheppard Jr - I thought he might support both repeals, but in the end voted wrong on the .22 caliber rifle limitation. He pushed with Ms. Noll to have the two votes, instead of just one.
What was really frustrating is that NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN CHARGED with violating the .22 caliber rifle restriction, but three of the five board members voted to keep it any how. The three votes to keep that restriction were politics at its worst: keeping up an illusion that they were still doing "something" to "protect" their constituents, while actually oppressing those who are law abiding.
Anyway, this was still an important victory for York County - we can come back to get rid of that .22 caliber rifle restriction later.
VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.
(VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization
dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to
Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.
VCDL web page: http://www.vcdl.org [http://www.vcdl.org/]
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Alexander of York
Monday, July 19, 2010
Fwd: I hope to see you tomorrow night
From: Ggdirect@aol.com <Ggdirect@aol.com>
Date: Jul 19, 2010 8:54 AM
Subject: I hope to see you tomorrow night
To: ggdirect@aol.com
Sent: 7/12/2010 7:00:21 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: FW: #1 VERY important York Co BoS meeting next Tuesday night.. please attend !!!
Dear York County Conservative,
This Tuesday night(July 20th) at 7:00 pm the York County Bd of Supervisors will debate and hopefully vote on a monumental issue that, if passed, will be a milestone in turning the tide in York County back to it's conservative roots.....for far too long, our local elected officials have passed more and more laws that have intruded into our private lives & our private properties, while taking our rights away. Over the past 10-15 years most of us, including me, have sat back and not really been paying attention to this erosion of our basic freedoms.
Now is the time to act ......
Please come and hear the debate on the York County Firearms Ordinance, speak in favor of the repeal, or just be a visible sign of support on this precedent setting issue.
BELOW you will see the details of this meeting, and if you open the attachment you will see a letter from Sheriff Danny Diggs explaining why this Ordinance should be repealed.
I'll look forward to seeing you at the meeting !!
Greg Garrett
2 Repeal of York County Firearms Ordinance. Consider adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 10-13 to repeal Section 16-7, Discharging Firearms within Certain Areas Prohibited, and Section 16-37, Discharge of High Powered Rifles Prohibited, of the York County Code.
d. Proposed Ordinance No. 10-13.
Alexander of York
Thursday, July 1, 2010
New Virginia state Laws in affect today
SB 475 - Strengthens the criteria used for awarding monies from the
$25 million Governor's Opportunity Fund.
SB 472 - Lowers the threshold for the Major Business Facility Job Tax
Credit to 50 full-time jobs from 100, and in economically distressed
areas to 25 jobs from 50.
SB 623 - Creates a Green Jobs tax credit of up to $500 per position
for up to 350 new green jobs with an annual salary in excess of
Public Safety
SB 486 - Requires the Department of Juvenile Justice to provide
information to law-enforcement relating to involvement in or
investigations of criminal street gangs.
SB 520 - Adds murder of auxiliary police officers or auxiliary deputy
sheriffs to the capital murder statute.
SB 95 - Extends short-term disability benefits for state police
officers injured in the line of duty from 125 work days to up to one
calendar year.
Health and Human Resources
SB 417 - A resident of the Commonwealth shall not be required to
obtain or maintain a policy of individual insurance coverage except as
required by a court or the Department of Social Services where the
individual is named a party in a judicial or administrative
SB 652 - Required the Board of Education to develop and distribute to
local school divisions guidelines for dealing with concussions in
Budget Amendment 4-5.04 - Limits state funding of abortions to only
cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the mother is at risk.
SB 537 - Increases the speed limit to 70 mph on highways that
currently have 65 mph speed limits.
HB 1159 - Requires drivers to move left on a four lane highway when
approaching vehicles displaying flashing blue, red, or amber lights.
This provision does not apply in highway work zones.
Military & Veterans' Affairs
SB 151 - Provides that a property owner's association shall not
prohibit or otherwise adopt a policy restricting an owner from
displaying the flag of the United States whenever such a display is in
compliance with the Federal Flag Code.
HJ 127 - Designates the Honor and Remember Flag as the Commonwealth's
emblem of service and sacrifice by the brave men and women of the
United States Armed Forces who have given their lives in the line of
SB 31 - Provides for a referendum at the November 2, 2010, election to
approve or reject an amendment requiring the General Assembly to
provide a real property tax exemption for the principal residence of a
veteran, or his or her surviving spouse, if the veteran has a 100
percent service-connected, permanent, and total disability.
Ethics Reform
SB 512 - Requires legislators to disclose on their Statement of
Economic Interest any salary they or members of their immediate
families earn from state of local governments or advisory agencies.
2nd Amendment
SB 334 - Allows persons with a concealed handgun permit to carry a
handgun concealed onto the premises of a restaurant or club and
prohibits them from consuming alcohol.
SB 408 - Allows persons who may lawfully possess a firearm to carry a
handgun in a private motor vehicle or vessel if it is in a container
or compartment.