YORK COUNTY VIRGINIA Meetings generally held 3rd Thursday of each month at Tuscany’s Coffee House, 6605 George Washington Mem. Hwy, Yorktown, 23692. Doors open at 6 pm, forum begins at 7.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Sharon Hrichak Update
She can’t move to get up, and can barely move to sit up. She is in excruciating pain, but does have pain medication. Because she is pretty much confined to bed, her primary care physician is recommending a home health aide, nurse, or some assistance.
They are pretty much taking it morning to afternoon, and George will let us know how/when anyone can help.
Prayers are most powerful, at this point.
Thanks, and God Bless.
The York Forum Planning Team
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
YCRC - Prayers for Sharon Hrichak!
Many of you may have seen the news report of yesterday’s car crash in Newport News involving a suspect fleeing from police. (page 5 of today’s Daily Press) Unfortunately, the suspect was doing 70 mpg and hit Sharon Hrichak, York County Supervisor George Hrichak’s wife, on the driver’s side, causing her pelvic fractures along with bumps & bruises. Sharon had just started feeling well after fighting breast cancer, so this setback is especially heart breaking and challenging.
Please keep Sharon in your prayers for healing and strength as she recovers and for George and their family in helping her by her side. Their son, George, is serving in the military and returned to Afghanistan this summer, so he will need your prayers, too, as he hears of his mother’s accident and injuries from so far away.
Thank you for keeping Sharon and her family in your thoughts & prayers.
For God and Country,
Lynda Fairman
Chairman, York County Republican Committee
Saturday, August 25, 2012
York County Planning Commission Meeting - Sept 5th, 7PM
Planning Commission to hold Comprehensive Plan work session on September 5, 7PM
The York County Planning Commission will hold a work session at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 5 for the purpose of discussing the Comprehensive Plan review and update.
The work session will take place in the York Hall East Room, located at 301 Main Street, Yorktown. The main topics of the meeting will be the Economic Development element of the plan and the master plan update for Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport.
The Comprehensive Plan serves as the long-range plan for the physical development of the county. The Code of Virginia requires that comprehensive plans be reviewed periodically, and York County’s plan was last updated by the Board of Supervisors in December 2005.
All Planning Commission meetings and work sessions are open to the public.
For more information, please contact the York County Planning Division at 890-3404 or by email at planning@yorkcounty.gov, or visit www.yorkcounty.gov/planning
Monday, August 20, 2012
Colonial Congress Fund Raiser for George Allen
I would like to invite you to join Robin and I, the other members of the Colonial Congress and their spouses, as well mas a large group of our Williamsburg/Gloucester friends for a fun night of beer, wine, good food, and live music….all in support of senate candidate, Governor George Allen. The event will be held by our extremely generous co-sponsors at the Williamsburg Club on Friday, August 24, 2012, starting at 6:30 PM.
The Members of the Williamsburg Colonial Congress
Dr. Val & Dawn Curran Catesby & Polly Jones
Brian & Molly Duffy Declan & Kim Lawlor
Mark Elfendahl Arlie & Louise Pritchard
Dr. Tim & Barbara Farrell Andre & Megan Provoncha
Dale & Elizabeth Fye Dr. Peter & Robin Wilcox
Dr. Ron Haggerty Tony & Lynn Williams
Cordially invite you to a “A Call to Patriots” reception honoring
George Allen
Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate
Friday, August 24th
6:30p.m. Private Reception and Photo op
7:00 p.m. General Reception
The Williamsburg Club
1801 Merrimac Trail
Williamsburg, VA 23185
RSVP by faxing this form to 757-491-7143 or email hrevents@cox.net <mailto:hrevents@cox.net> or make checks payable to Allen for Senate and mail to:
Allen for Senate
P.O. Box 1715
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Yes, I/we would like to participate at the following level:
____ SPONSOR : $2,500 INCLUDES 8 RESERVATIONS to Private & General Receptions
____ Benefactor: $1,000 Includes 4 Reservations to PRIVATE &GENERAL RECEPTIONS
____ patron: $ 150 Per Person ___ Reservations to Private& GENERAL ReceptionS
____ FRIEND: $ 50 PER PERSON ___ Reservations. General Reception Only
____ I/we cannot attend but enclosed is a donation to support George Allen for Senate
Address ______________________________________________________________________________
Phone _________________________ Fax _____________________ Email_______________________
(If joint contribution)
SPOUSE NAME:__________________________________OCCUPATION: EMPLOYER:
Individuals may contribute up to $2,500 for the general election. A couple may write a check drawn on a joint account (both names are listed on the account) for up to $5,000 if this form is completed and signed by both contributors.
CARD NUMBER: _______________________________NAME ON THE CARD: __________________________
EXP DATE:_____________________SECURITY CODE: ______________ CARD TYPE:_________
SIGNATURE:__________________________________SIGNATURE:_________________________ ________(If joint contribution)
Contributions to George Allen for U.S. Senate are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Corporate contributions are prohibited. Contributions from foreign nationals are not permitted. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle.
Paid for and authorized by George Allen for U.S. Senate.
This fall's upcoming elections will, no doubt, be the most important in our lifetime. After this election, our country will either head further down the road towards socialism or it will regain its footing and return to the principles that have made it the greatest nation on the planet. We can either sit on the sidelines and hope for the best or we can get involved and try to make a difference. For just $50 per person, you can spend the evening listening to one of Williamsburg's favorite son's, Drew Haynie, and his band Oldplay, drink beer and wine, enjoy great hors d'ouvres, and, if you need a cocktail, there will be a cash bar. The Williamsburg Club is an enthusiastic supporter of Governor Allen and is going all out for this event. There is only so much you can do to have an effect on the upcoming elections and this one night out in support of Governor Allen could make the difference.
This is not your typical stuffy, dry political gathering. This is going to be a fun, lively event with good company, conversation, music, and food. You'll get a chance to speak with Governor Allen, share your views on how he can fix this country, and write him a check so that he can pull ahead in what is sure to be a close election. Many of you have attended our events in the past that were held for Ken Cuccinelli, Representatives Whitman and Rigell, our own Catesby Jones, and others. We hope you can attend this event as well.
If you're in town and would like to help save the country on a Friday night, you can RSVP via this email or you can follow the instructions on the attached form put together by the Allen folks on the invite below.
We'll have a terrific time. I hope you can join us! If you know of anyone that would be interested in attending, please feel free to forward this email.
Amor Patrie,
Peter and Robin Wilcox
Peter E. Wilcox O.D., F.O.A.A.
Wilcox Eye Center
Hayes, VA 23072
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Concerned Citizens of the Historic Triangle
The York Concerned Citizens Forum Planners forward this message from a group called the Concerned Citizens of the Historic Triangle. The group was formed to counter the collaborative effort of the localities to continue the abuse of our property rights and expenditure of tax dollars.
This group attends the Board of Supervisor meetings and the planning meetings. A small group of York County citizens have been participating, but the group is seeking a larger coalition to protect our property rights and continue this vigil.
Please visit their webb page:
http://concernedcitizensofthehistorictriangle.org <http://concernedcitizensofthehistorictriangle.org/>
If you are interested in joining in this effort contact Mary Leedom at:
Please note the story about the citizen in James City County trying to be allowed backyard chickens and sign his petition.
In Victory
Mary Leedom
This is your country - get involved
This isn't about Right vs. Left...or Blue vs. Red....or Republican vs. Democrat
..... and how our government, through planning and under the guise of
environmentalism is grinding away at our property rights and our